TEDx Akademeia

Did you know that modern Poland’s democracy and Robert Lewandowski share the same age of 34?

We learned this and many other fun facts during the amazing TEDx Akademeia event organised by four of AHS students: Ola, Zosia, Basia and Pola.

TEDx is an initiative by TED that brings together experts from different fields to share valuable “ideas worth spreading” all around the world.

Our event covered a broad variety of current topics from politics, journalism and law to the impact of the young generation on social issues.
The programme was entirely student-initiated and student-led.

Our guest speakers made the audience reflect more deeply on topics such as: the importance of voting, the role of lawyers in the AI era, and the connection between religion and politics.  

Pola, one of the co-organisers, said: “Organising the TEDx conference was a rewarding process. We were glad that we could invite such successful and educated individuals to our school and share their expertise with the AHS community.”

To learn more about the event check out @tedxakademeia on Instagram!

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