Wharton Global High School Investment Competition

One of our Investment teams has reached the semi-finals of the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition! Over 1,400 teams from around the world entered the competition, and we are one of 55 semi-finalists.  

The team, named Akademeia Investment Consulting Association or (AICA), has six members and is led by Adam Sujecki and includes Jan Szramowski, Konrad Kieli, Marcel Sobolewski, Matsvei Dauksha, and Zachary Górka.  

As part of the competition, each team was given $100,000 virtual cash to invest on behalf of a client, to create an investment portfolio and to invest in a range of assets from stocks and shares across a range of industries and sectors, government bonds and cash holdings.   

The morale of the group has been superb and the interactions within the group often displayed the dynamics of a well-organized and established company. 


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