December 6th 2021
We are extremely proud of recent accomplishments of the Akademeia Debate Team in the Polish Schools Debating Championships 2021.
This year there were 78 students and 22 schools competing at the tournament.
AHS has been represented by two teams, composed of participants from the Competitive Debating elective:
Akademeia Red – Karolina Z, Klara Ż, Nathalie C, Cristian M, Karol L, Matsvei D
Akademeia Blue – Pola J, Zofia J, Barbara M, Alexi v D
Both teams won 2 out of 4 debates and the following students were placed individually in the Top 10 Best Speakers of the competition:
Karolina Z – 2nd Best Speaker
Klara Ż – 5th Best Speaker
Pola J – 6th Best Speaker
As a result of the excellent individual performance also fantastic team results, three AHS students: Pola J, Karolina Z and Zofia J received nomination to the Initial National Debate Team, which is comprised of 18 speakers, taking part in a 2-month training and selection programme. The top 5 speakers from this programme will represent Poland at the World Schools Debating Championships in June 2022.
Polish Schools Debate Championships is the most important school debate competition in Poland, organised in English on a yearly basis by Fundacja Polska Debatuje. This nation-wide contest for high school students is the official part of the selection process for the National Team for World Schools Debating Championships, with around 70 national teams every year.
Once again, congratulations to all of our debaters and their Debate Team Coach, Mr Radosław Czekan and good luck to Pola, Karolina and Zofia in the next stage of the competition!