September 30th 2022
We would like to congratulate three of our Year 13 students, whose essays were recently recognised internationally. Paulina, Iana and Ola showed us how to approach academic essay writing especially in the context of essay competitions, as well as the benefits of taking part in such initiatives.
Aleksandra had her article titled: ‘Huntington's Disease: Potential RNA-based Treatments’ published in the International Youth Neuroscience Association journal. With more than 8,000 members and 125 countries represented, this is an amazing achievement.
Iana received a special commendation as one of the top 10 entries out of 271 participants, in the R.A. Butler Prize for Essays in Politics and International Studies from Trinity College, Cambridge. Her essay was titled: ‘Should countries be punished for the actions of their leaders?’
Paulina tried her writing skills in three different essay competition with a tremendous success. Her essay on ‘Is poetry able to record the non-human?’ was Highly Commended in the Gould Prize for Essays in English Literature from Trinity College, Cambridge, while her work titled: ‘Classical Reception and Romantic Reinvention: The Sonnets and Odes of John Keats’ was Highly Commended in the Mary Renault Prize for Essays on Classical Reception from St Hugh's College, Oxford. Paulina also received commendation in 2022 John Locke Global Essay Competition from the John Locke Institute for an essay answering a question ‘Is it moral to take money from people through the force of law in order to pay philosophers to philosophise?’