Inspiration Starts Here! Student-led Science Communication Club
Science Guest Speaker

Akademeia Science Talks are designed to give our students first-hand experience of scientists’ life and research, and convey an authentic concept of scientists’ lab work.

We are proud to develop relations with science experts from various disciplines worldwide, who inspire our students and broaden their perspectives through interactive talks and presentations.

Tangible results of these events often surpass our expectations!

On October 5th,  we hosted Dr Namrata Sengupta with her Science Talk: What it means to be a science communicator: From part-time volunteering to a full-time career. Dr Sengupta covered different paths available for STEM students to practice science communication and tips for considering science communication as their future career. Dr Sengupta shared insights of her own career path from laboratory science to public engagement with science. Becoming the Program Manager for Scientific Public Engagement, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard was not at all her high school dream career!

Two weeks later, our Year 13 student Liubou has launched a new student-led Science Communication Club, inspired by the talk! Liubou shared her idea at school assemblies with both 5th and 6th formers where it was met with lots of interest. This new interdisciplinary student-run club can be a great opportunity for students to gain experience in using key tools for effective science communication to make scientific discoveries more accessible to non-scientists!

And we can’t wait for next series of Science Talks, scheduled for November!

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