Bake sale for School Without Borders

Our students raised 3,055 PLN towards the School Without Borders PDS Project through the first bake sale of the year. All delicious cakes were made by AHS students and staff! We are looking for more initiatives created by this group of students to support this inspiring project. Stay tuned for more news soon.

This is how our students introduced the project: 

Education is a fundamental human right, recognised by almost every institution,  government and human rights document in the world. And yet teenage activist Parwana Amiri is just one of thousands of teenage refugees who have not been granted this basic right. When Parwana arrived in the Ritsona refugee camp, she quickly noticed just how many children and young people were missing months and even years of basic education. Despite the desperate state of the educational facilities available to her, over the past few years she has managed to organise semi-regular classes for the camp’s inhabitants; still, however, they lack the basic materials necessary for a good quality education. Our project is centered around establishing regular communication with the children and teenagers in Ritsona, and so the lack of laptops, internet routers and other essential equipment is a major obstacle. We are therefore raising money to supply 17-year-old Parwana and the other inhabitants of the camp with basic educational materials and the equipment we need to communicate with them effectively.

You can help by either donating to our fundraiser or directly donating school materials or old laptops/other technological essentials. We, Parwana and her students in Ritsona camp will be immensely grateful for any contribution, no matter how small.

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